Saturday, 8 August 2009

Cluedo for the iPhone - Hints and Tips

  • If an item is mentioned - ie, the axe is near the fireplace, I was watching a movie, I was reading - examine every instance of the item in question - eg, every fireplace, screen (the theatre and the two TVs), or the books and magazines. Every one will contain a hint.

  • You won't find any hints in any items not mentioned, so don't waste your time clicking on random things.

  • On the note of saving time, plan your route through the rooms. Hurtling from one end of the house to the other will just waste time.

  • When two items are said to be in diagonal corners, that means corners across from one another.

  • Blunt items include the crowbar, the candlestick and the trophy. Sharp items include the axe and the razor.

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