Monday, 10 May 2010

Time for a girly chat

I should probably apologise to those of you who got the impression that this was a gaming blog. It isn't. This is my personal blog, where I type up whatever I feel like. Normally, that does happen to be gaming notes. Right now it's menstruation.

No one here who doesn't want to be?


So, I used to assume that the amount of blood I lost was average (average being 30ml to 80ml per month). I'd complain about cramps for four days, and be annoyed messing about with stupid sanitary things. Then I got a menstrual cup, which is freaking awesome (just saying). It also had the side effect of letting me know exactly how much blood I lost each month.

It averaged out to 20ml, which is very much below average.

I felt a little bit ashamed of myself for complaining. In my defence, I've never been anyone else, so I assumed everyone was about the same as me.

I asked a couple of people on an LJ comm how much they lost, and that was generally around the 110-130ml mark. And I felt both embarrassed and incredibly lucky.

Three months ago, I was fitted with an IUD. Since this was a flexi-T 3000, it had the effect of making my periods heavier. I knew that it would, but I figured, since I was so far below average, I'd take that rather than the hormones in the mirena.

So now I'm losing 40ml a month. I'm just about average, if on the low side.

It's not fun.:(

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